Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thank you Anonymous!

Whoever you are, thanks for directing my attention to the Stephen Fry article on bipolar - as serendipity would have it, the very next day I came face to face with his autobiography in our little ole public library. It now sits on my kitchen bench, awaiting my devouring eyes.

Hopefully they'll actually get around to reading it shortly; I have this horrible habit of being overcome with excitement in libraries, stocking up on a billion books and of course, only ever getting to one, maybe two of them at most. Much like the way I am with life.

The more this trip goes on, I'm realising it's one big lesson in reality checking!!


leon and ash said...

Hey there Jen,
Geez it's so frustrating not being able to add blab comments at work.
I think I know who linked you to Mr Fry. BTW: I thoroughly recommend reading his autobio with haste, it's awesome. Excruciatingly honest and refreshingly intelligent, this is my fav book of his.
Nice to hear yr depressed. Not nice for you of course, but it allows me to sit that much closer to you in the philisophical cinema in my head. Now all we need is a drunken rant about how jealous you are of yr more successful friends and colleagues - then you can come sit in my aisle.
Love ya.

leon and ash said...

Uh, it's Leon , by the way...

Jenny Wynter said...

Love ya guts Leon! Yep, I've already started reading it and am finding it highly awesome thus far in. Gees, the dude is articulate!! Then again I think I knew that.

Ah, I'm sure we'll have many drunken rants together once you guys are here. Was just dribbling to Tim yesterday about how I am so DEVASTATINGLY LOOKING FORWARD to you guys being here!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

babes, it was me who put in the stephen fry tip!
can't have leon taking credit for one of my rare moments of relevance, now, can I?

sorry it wasn't some random new blog reader. who julie powell affectionately refers to as 'bleeders'.

t3mporal 3lbow said...

I thought my implication was clear?

Jenny Wynter said...

Cut it out, you two!!!

Why does she call them 'bleeders'? Is it as simple as putting 'blog' and 'reader' together or is it something with a little more juice?

And don't you dare apologise for commenting ever. If it wasn't for you two for instance, this blog entry alone would be down to ZERO comments. Instead of a downright illustrious six.

I am a simple woman, it is true.